Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another step

Jill had her first fill yesterday.  This is the adding of fluid to tissue expanders that are in her breasts.  She was in a decent amount of pain last night, which is not ideal, but this morning she already feels less pain.  Still tight, but not as sore.
She will get small fills every week or two until she is the size she wants.  Fortunately, we are in agreement with size . . . we both seem to be done with really big boobs.

Right now the tentative schedule for the next (and hopefully final) steps of her plan are in place.  Some more fills, then some time for her body to recover.  Then in late May or Early June she will have surgery to remove the expanders and put in implants.  This will also be the hysterectomy / oophorectomy.  Then she will be laid up for a while from all this.  Once recovered, she should be back to normal.  Well, normal for a cancer survivor with fake boobs and who is in menopause before the age of 40.  :).

All this is again an interesting process for her, me and our family.  Our lives were turned upside down.  Then we found a new normal.  Then life become very normal again.  Then a surgery.  Then an extended cold and the fear of what if it was lung cancer.  Then a slow return to normal, but with a somewhat slowed down Jill - but a Jill that was home every day (her not being able to do as much around the house like dishes or laundry - but was always home to get the girls ready for school, etc - so there was upside and downsides).  Normal will return even more next week with her doing some limited time at work.  Then she will be back to work 4 days a week (which is her normal).  Then another surgery and we do it all again.
We all agree this process is much better than the alternative.  

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