Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jill's Q&A with the Oncologist yesterday

Jill had a sort of FAQ with the Oncologist yesterday.  He had told us up front that we will hear a enormously wide range of advice . . . and that we should always nod politely and take with a grain of salt.  He said that everyone is different and every cancer is different.

Jill can eat anything she wants.  His number one concern is that she eat to keep her strength.  Yeah, healthy would be better, but eating anything is #1.  Fresh fruit and veggies are okay, but should be washed.  Jill can drink alcohol, though she really does not to begin with.  Sugar does not 'feed cancer' any more than it feeds the rest of your body.

She is able to see people, even people from out of town, with the exception of her bother's family in Ohio, they always get someone sick.  ;)  She should avoid contact with clearly sick people.

In other words - she is to live a very close to normal life.

This post, like most, are from me - Greg - but this last part is very clearly my editorial.

I am so glad she is able to live as close to normal as she can.  I think she is really finding a groove of understanding some days she is just not herself and that she needs to rest.  Others she can do much more - but also that she needs to not go 100% even if she feels like it.  She is really doing good at working within her limits.  And doing less at home.  But she still helps out when she is feeling up.  I think her and I are starting to feel this . . . she does a bit more to help me when she is well and then knows she has to move to more the passive role from time to time.


  1. Glad things can be "normal" (whatever that is huh! :-)...Greg, kudos to you and the girls for all you are stepping up and doing!!! I usually tell Holly that when I pick her up on Wednesdays for soccer practice so that she doesn't forget that others know how much help she is giving too. :-)

  2. Greg,and Jill...First let me say Im so glad to hear that while this isn't easy; your coping well. Jill..Dr is right we're ALL different and have different outcomes. REGARDLESS, Im here if you want to talk, yell, or scream. To you both, I am so happy you've been blessed with great families and friends to help out in so many ways. That alone makes recovery better. Worrys about everyday stresses or "life" will weaken you to. Jill, just listen to your body..You know more then any other how YOU feel. Sure people can usually tell when someone is tired or not feeling well. seem so honest and sincere..Straight to the point. Jill is very blessed to have you there to pick up the slack when she's down. Even when your exhausted or sick, you put her and your children FIRST. Kudos! To your families...I think they are all awesome for all they have done, are doing and will do. Take care, keep kicking "Nasty Beast" to the curb. Your still In my thoughts and prayers
