Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jill started her journal

last night Jill started to write in a journal.  The doctors recommended this and I too think it is a great idea.   I know from past experience, albeit dealing with much less stressful situations, that getting your feelings down on paper (or keyboard) can bring a great deal of peace.

Someday when the girls are older, this will be a very special thing that Jill and them can read together to understand what mommy went through when they were younger.

I too will continue to journal.

One thing that I am going to have us both do (not sure if I can get Jill to do it) is video journal too.  Easy to do here with a webcam on the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Jill & Greg;
    First, my prayers are with all of you as you begin this journey together. By now you both know how much you are well thought of and all the support, love and prayers you both have. Prayer (as I'm sure Pammy can attest to) answers all.

    Thank you for this journal. It is amazingly candid, and quite aww inspiring.

