Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another treatment down

Jill had an uneventful treatment today, which is a good thing.  She is feeling okay, but is running out of steam as the day wears on. 

Nothing to report from the doc, which is just fine.


  1. Take care girlie and hope your symptoms from this treatment are similar to last. :-)

  2. I went with Jill today for her treatment. I was in a room filled with women of all ages and in different stages of their journey sharing their stories and encouraging each other. It was inspiring to be there and see the strength and optimism in these women regardless of their situation.
    Jill you are amazing !!! Thank you for asking me to go with you.
    Love you.

  3. Jill,

    It is so great to see you at the futsal games for the girls! You are a shining star! Praying for you and that you don't feel to yucky after this last treatment! Hopefully you feel ok for Sunday's game. Take care and get plenty of rest!

    Joyce Hamilton
