Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back to treatment tomorrow, and some updates

Jill has a blood draw today to check her counts and then chemo tomorrow.  This is #6 of 8 and #2 of 4 Taxol treatments.  She was fairly miserable last time, so I see a low key weekend in our future. 

Not a whole lot to report, which is why this blog has been quiet.   This past Friday we had some friends over and had a great time.  This is a group of folks we get together with every month or two and reinforced how life is in so many ways still normal.  When we last got together with these folks, just had just been diagnosed, so it was the first time they got to see her bald.

Saturday evening Jill and I went to a movie (just go with it) and then out to dinner (Brockway pub in Carmel).  A date!! 

This week Jill has been working and feeling nearly normal. 

Meals are coming in twice a week (not a single person has missed!).  Gifts, cards, and kind words seems to appear every day. 

I will post tomorrow or the next day. 


  1. You and Jill are in prayers and thoughts. Not a day goes by that you aren't in prayers. Blessings to you.

  2. Jill, Even though I won't see you in the "chemo" room tomorrow know that I will be thinking and praying for you. :)

  3. You are my heroine, girlfriend. Love you,

  4. Megan S. Ott FoundationFebruary 24, 2011 at 10:57 AM

    Thinking about you today as you have chemo. Continued prayers, thoughts, and hugs.

    Megan S. Ott Foundation
