Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ultrasound negative!

Today at the breast surgeon, the ultrasound and manual exam could not find cancer in her breast.  Just to be clear, I want to make sure this information is being stated accurately:

1.  This does not mean Jill is officially cancer free or cured.

2.  This was the hoped for and expected outcome of the chemo treatments.  Maybe not this fast, I am not sure.

3.  This does not change any of the treatment plans.

I do not mean to be a downer with the above 3, I just want to avoid people thinking that this is largely over.   It is not.   IT IS, however, WONDERFUL NEWS.  It means she is very receptive to the chemo and it means we should be proceeding ahead with the course or treatment without delays or setbacks.  Yeah!

So, 3 more treatments.  A month off.  During the month off there will be advanced testing (MRI at least) of the areas to make sure the cancer is 100% gone.  Then Surgery to remove the sites. 

Jill and I are so happy. 


  1. HOORAY!!! I have goosebumps. Such amazing, wonderful news.

  2. Absolutely positively the best news I've heard in the past week. Please, hug each other and your kids for me. Will continue to keep you in my prayers!!!!!!!

  3. That's great news!

  4. Wow...Im SO excited for this news! Jill I told you that you were kicking butt! Guess that was an understatement; kick it to the curb girl! HUGS! !!

  5. Yes!!!!! I'm so happy for this news, my MRI is tomorrow and am hoping for the same kind of news. Hugs to you!!

  6. I am so glad to hear that. That made my day....

  7. Prayer are being answered so far. Thanks for the update.

  8. Prayers are being answered so far. Thanks for the update.

  9. PRAISE GOD!!! You may still have a long road, but that is sure a great Sign from what you have already had to endure!!

  10. God does answer prayers. With tears in my eyes I'm sending all my love. Judy

  11. I am so happy to hear the good news. You are correct in saying that this is not over, BUT we have the answer to one of our prayers. Prayer is a powerful thing and I will continue to pray for a total recovery for Jill. Keep the faith

  12. That is the best news EVER! I am so happy that things are working out well. We will pray that everything continues down a similar path as you progress through this...keep working it!

  13. Yippee!! Continued prayers coming your way.

  14. Jill and Greg - that is really fantastic and encouraging news! Think of you often!

  15. Megan S. Ott FoundationFebruary 18, 2011 at 6:45 AM

    We could not be happier for Jill and your family. We continue to pray for Jill and your family as you continue your journey. Our prayers are with you.

  16. Wonderful news, so thankful for the update!
